During the late engineering work at Microsoft the Microsoft Office 2010 went by the codename Office 14 until its release. Therefore, it didn’t take much guesswork to crack the meaning behind the name Office 15, when it showed up in a Microsoft employee blog comment in September 2009 along with the name Office 2013. Well, this is all old news, but recently Microsofts Kitchen (http://msftkitchen.com) discovered a similar note in a (now deleted) work profile of a Program Manager at Microsoft Corporation.
Office Graphics
Responsible for SmartArt graphics features for both client and server, SmartArt graphics content including new delivery method, and the Insert Screenshot feature.
Identified and bridged the gaps in customer content needs by driving usage data reviews and customer conference calls
Worked with non-Microsoft experts in a face to face setting to gain customer insights and used these to influence product design
Directly engaged IT Pros to understand pain points and opinions of trending technology and drove their concerns directly into our planning pillars for Office 2013
Source: www.linkedin.com/pub/adam-callens/3/a62/446
To put all the pieces together, it is also interesting to look at the recent job listings on Mocrosoft.com, which indicates that a major new feature will be introduced in Office 15 (which includes Word, PowerPoint, Excel, OneNote, SharePoint, and Outlook).
Relevant job listings:
01: https://careers.microsoft.com/JobDetails.aspx?jid=16832
02: https://careers.microsoft.com/JobDetails.aspx?jid=16684
03: https://careers.microsoft.com/JobDetails.aspx?jid=17753
Source: http://msftkitchen.com/2010/06/office-15-details-revealed-possible-new-ui-office-mobile-15-release-date-implication-and-more.html
Why not include MS Project in the Ms Office Suite…?